Support outstanding researchers who were unable to receive KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) in the large-scale category for the current academic year to regain KAKENHI funding in the large-scale category in the next fiscal year.
Submission Deadline
March 8 – May 14, 2018
The results will be available around in the beginning of June 2018
Support amount
5,000,000yen or less
Support period
from April 2018 to March 2019
For further details, please refer to “2. Eligibility Criteria” in the Guidelines for Application.
< Spring Term >
- Full-time researcher.
- During the five years, the applicant must have received one of the following types of funding as a principal investigator:
– KAKENHI funding in the large-scale category (Grants-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research, Scientific Research on Innovative Areas [including as a principal investigator of planned research], or Scientific Research (S) or (A))
– Large-scale funding (20 million yen or more) from a research fund provided by a government agency (CREST, ERATO, etc.).
Please note that a researcher, who has been a member of a research group receiving the grants mentioned above during the past five years, and who has applied for FY2018 KAKENHI as a head investigator or a principal investigator due to the retirement of the current head or principal investigator or for other reasons, called “Daigae” status in Japanese, is also eligible to apply for the FY2018 Kyoto University Research Fund (Core Stage Back-Up).
- The applicant must be a researcher who has applied for KAKENHI in the large-scale category for FY 2018 (Grants-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research, Scientific Research on Innovative Areas [only as a head investigator], or Scientific Research (S) or (A)) as a principal investigator, and who was not able to receive any of the above grants.
- The applicant must be a researcher who will apply, as a principal investigator, for KAKENHI in the large-scale category for FY 2019 (Grants-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research, Scientific Research on Innovative Areas [only as a head investigator], or Scientific Research (S) or (A)).
* Notwithstanding the foregoing, persons who will apply for the “FY 2018 Ishizue (Kyoto University Research Development Program)” cannot apply for this research fund.
Application Procedure
The department’s administration office is required to submit the following documents to the Research Promotion Division via e-mail before May 14, 2018. (For applicants: Please check the deadline of your department’s administration office.)
(1) The application form for the FY 2018 Research Fund (Core Stage Back-Up) (to be prepared by the applicant)
(2) KAKENHI Application form FY 2018 (to be prepared by the applicant)
(3) A list of all applicants in the department (to be prepared by the department’s administration office)
Research Promotion Division
Email: 850kensui-senryaku@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
TEL (Ext.):16-2043