Academic Support
We are happy to announce the launch of our “International Book Publishing Support Service” for researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Are you considering turning your PhD thesis into a book? Or the results of an academic conference? Maybe you have an idea for a monograph and would like to know how to submit a proposal? And who is the “right” publisher for you, anyway? At KURA, we will gladly assist you at any step of the publication process, so please don’t hesitate to contact us. More information, including an FAQ and publisher profiles, can be found on our new portal site (see links below).
E-mail:jinsha* (replace * with @)
Past events International Publishing Month [Special Seminar] ~Open research publishing: Supporting a holistic approach to research evaluation~(19/Jun/2019)
Past events “In Dialogue with International Publishers” (28/Sep/2018)
Video footage from our previous publishing event featuring Simon Bates, Commissioning Editor at Routledge Singapore(28/Sep/2018)
International Book Publishing FAQ (Coming soon/internal access only)
Publisher Profiles (in Japanese only)Internal
Reevaluating Translation as a Driving Force of Scholarship (For translation between Japanese and English)