Kyoto University Research Administration


Academic Support

Support for Skill Development of Early Career Researchers

From interdisciplinary research to international and industry-academia collaborations, researchers have crossed many unexplored territories through their research.

Which new areas will the next generation of researchers be heading for?

Through surveys and analyses, KURA’s Next Generation Researchers Support Team identifies and provides necessary support for researchers in the middle of their careers, including offering information and organizing seminars, to help them navigate the constantly evolving landscape of research.

Resources for Early Career Researchers

  • “Life as a Scholar” Website

Researchers face numerous decisions when navigating the landscape of research. To assist researchers in selecting the information they need from the diverse range of options and in affirming their own choices, we launched the “Life as a Scholar: Kyoto University and Beyond” website.

In collaboration with 22 other organizations that support research at Kyoto University, we provide a comprehensive range of information for researchers and others who wish to continue or further expand their activities.

The “Life as a Scholar” website offers a range of features:

    • You can categorize and search for information relevant to research activities by theme.
    • You can find materials that help you begin contemplating how to “design” your own life as a researcher. This includes information on research support organizations at Kyoto University, insights from researchers collected during our surveys, and experts’ views on the latest topics.
    • You can download the materials from the “Life as a Scholar” seminars (see below).

  • “Life as a Scholar” Seminars

We organize a series of seminars and workshops for researchers based on needs identified through our support services and interviews. The seminars provide researchers with the knowledge and expertise needed to pursue their research activities autonomously.

For information about upcoming and past seminars, click HERE [link will be available soon].

  • “Life as a Scholar” Newsletter

We send out a monthly email newsletter to subscribed Kyoto University members. It contains useful information for early career researchers, including grant opportunities, upcoming events, and updates from KURA both in Japanese and English.

To receive our newsletter, subscribe from HERE.

L-INSIGHT (Program for the Development of Next-generation Leading Scientists with Global Insight)

Operated by KURA and supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)’s Strategic Professional Development Program for Young Researchers, L-INSIGHT aims to develop and implement programs to train researchers with “Global Insight,” the ability to span various “boundaries” with broad overviews, astute perceptions, and foresight.

Every year, the Program selects several promising early career researchers from Kyoto University as Fellows and provide them with three years of wide-ranging support to help them build networks across disciplines, sectors, and countries.

For details about the Program and the current and past Fellows, please visit the L-INSIGHT website.

Research Abroad Advisory Desk

Research Abroad Advisory Desk provides assistance for Kyoto University’s early career researchers (including doctoral students) who wish to gain experience at universities and research institutions abroad.

For inquiry, click HERE.


Next Generation Researchers Support Team, Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA)
Email : ecr* (Please replace * with @)