Kyoto University Research Administration



SPIRITS Interaction – based Initiative Team Studies

URA Activities (Menu B)International Interdisciplinary Interpersonal Provision of Support with Funding



Program overview

The internal funds is based on the innovation and future vision (the WINDOW Concept) of Kyoto University which aims to promote internationalization, challenge for unexplored areas and unknown science, and accelerate the creation of innovation.
This is a core activity of the Kyoto University Research Administration Office (KURA), and we support three types of team research depending on the purpose: International; Interdisciplinary; and Society-Academia Collaboration Co-creation for Innovation. So far, we have achieved concluding international joint research agreements with overseas research institutions, building a new interdisciplinary research network involving researchers in both humanities and social sciences and natural sciences, etc.

Feedback from successful applicants

・It was very useful that not only the international exchange I had originally planned, but also I was able to form new networks in the places I visited.
・I think this is a very meaningful program to start an international joint research.
・It has been very useful to continue an interdisciplinary research group formed by the JST project and to implement an international joint research that began in the project.
・The exchange of researchers has progressed with generous support.

For application support

Internal grant: SPIRITS

Group in charge

Leader: OKAZAKI Makiko URA