A new way to publish articles
Kyoto University has joined F1000’s Japan Institutional Gateway (JIG) , an open-access article publishing platform with peer review!
The JIG has no journal boundaries, and submissions are welcome from all fields. Once your article is published on the website, it will undergo an open peer review process.
We encourage active submissions from:
- Researchers who wish to publish papers in emerging and interdisciplinary fields that do not fit into existing journals.
- Researchers who wish to improve the quality of their papers through open peer review.
- Researchers who wish to present their research internationally through articles written in Japanese.
Full Subsidies for Article Processing Charges & English Proofreading Fees
This year, we will subsidize the article processing charges ($1,595) for articles in English or Japanese and the proofreading fees for articles written in English.
For more information on application and submission, please contact us.
- Number of subsidies
- About 10 (first-come-first-served basis), limited to one per person
[We hope to allocate 3–5 subsidies for articles in the humanities and social sciences.]
- Eligibility
- Full-time researchers at Kyoto University who are submitting articles to JIG as authors (first author, correspoinding author, etc.)
- Application Deadline: ① Subsidies for article processing charges & English proofreading fees (Articles in English)*
- Friday, January 17, 2025 (May close early if we reach the maximum capacity of applications)
- Application Deadline: ② Subsidies for article processing charges only (Articles in English or Japanese)
- Friday, January 31, 2025 (May close early if we reach the maximum capacity of applications)
* We particularly encourage applications from researchers who have little experience in publishing articles in English, as well as those in the humanities and social sciences.
FAQ (in English) -coming soon Internal
- The Japan Institutional Gateway is supported by University of Tsukuba.
Subsidies for submission and English review fees are provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Open Access Acceleration Project Subsidy.
- When articles are published in Japanese on JIG, the title and abstract will appear in both Japanese and English, ensuring bilingual dissemination worldwide.
Online Briefing Session (in Japanese)
We are holding an online briefing session on Japan Institutional Gateway (JIG).
Date : Friday, October 4, 2024, 15:00–16:00 [Closed]
Language : Japanese
Contests : Advantages of submitting to JIG, Experiences of researchers using JIG, Overview of the subsidy system for article processing charges, Q&A.
Open to : All faculty members and staff of Kyoto University
- Handouts (in English) Internal
- A video recording of this briefing session is available HERE. (in Japanese) Internal
Open Science and Public-Relations Team, Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA)
E-mail : jig*kura.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace*with @)