Kyoto University Research Administration



“Lunchtime Meet-up with large scale KAKENHI and ISHIZUE Pathfinding applicants” was held on 12 July 2022 (Tuesday 12 July 2022)

07.22 (Fri)2022

International Researchers Support Team of Kyoto University Research Administration Office (KURA) held the third networking event in this fiscal year titled “Lunchtime Meet-up with large scale KAKENHI and ISHIZUE Pathfinding applicants” online on July12, 2022. 14 people participated in the event.

The purposes of this event were to explain tips for researchers who are considering applying for KAKENHI, JSPS’s Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, especially for its large scale categories including Scientific Research (Kiban)(S/A), and/or the internal funding program 【ISHIZUE】 ~Pathfinding~ category in addition to providing an opportunity to consult with each other frankly about their grant applications.

In the beginning, SASAKI Yu of KURA explained the outline of KAKENHI, more specifically on Scientific Research (Kiban)(S/A), the review method and, followed by the explanation of the application schedule for this fiscal year. In addition, the outline and application guidelines for 【ISHIZUE】 ~Pathfinding~ were also introduced.

In the Q&A that followed, participating researchers asked questions about the schedule and details of the KURA’s Application Support services, and the overview of briefing sessions other than this seminar.

This event was moderated by SASAKI Yu, and OYAMADA Aya, SAITO Chisato, SUGAI Yoshinori and UEMURA Ayana supported the planning and operation of the event. KURA will continue to make efforts to create an environment for international researchers to maximize their research capabilities through supporting research.

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