Kyoto University Research Administration



Meet Your KU Community! (22nd February 2022)

03.04 (Fri)2022

Kyoto University Research Administration Office (KURA) held an online event “Meet Your KU Community!” on February 22, 2022. Aimed at connecting Kyoto University researchers beyond research fields and departments, this was the third of a series of networking events held by KURA this year, and 24 people (including 15 researchers) participated in the event.

After a short introduction, Dr. Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, gave a presentation titled “Using New Data Sources for Tourism and Transport Planning”. Demonstrating the mobility data at sightseeing spots in Kyoto city, he explained the analysis methods used to detect patterns of movements, dwell time, and densely populated facilities at sightseeing spots.
New data sources for measuring these movements are important for understanding people’s mobility and preference in sightseeing areas and urban areas. In the Q&A that followed, participated researchers exchanged various questions and comments in English.

At the end of the session, KURA introduced the video titled “The Congestion Prediction Using Wi-Fi Packet Sensors,” in which Dr. Schmöcker, explained how the congestion prediction technologies were applied at a cafeteria or bus-stops on the Katsura campus. It was the video that was featured in the website of Katsura Library at Kyoto University (“Katsura no Niwa in Japanese” by Graduate School of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering”) with cooperation by KURA.

The planning, public relations and a moderator were done by URAs ( OYAMADA Aya, SASAKI Yu) in cooperation with other members of International Researchers Support Team, URAs (SAITO Chisato, Kuwata Osamu) and Administration Staffs (Nishida Miya, Uemura Ayana). KURA will continue to make efforts to create an environment for international researchers to maximize their research capabilities through supporting research.

Click here for event information.