Kyoto University Research Administration



Meet Your KU Community! (Thursday 15 October 2021)

10.25 (Mon)2021

Kyoto University Research Administration Office (KURA) held an online lunchtime event “Meet Your KU Community!” on October 15, 2021. Aimed at connecting Kyoto University researchers beyond research fields and departments, this was the fourth of a series of networking events by KURA this year, and 22 people (including 15 researchers) participated in the event.

After a brief introduction, Dr. Roman Pasca, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Letters gave a presentation on his field of specialty, Japanese philosophy, and in particular, on the Kyoto School of Philosophy. Situating the school in a larger context of Japanese philosophy, Dr. Pasca, Assistant Professor, explained how the Kyoto School of Philosophy had evolved over time and how it has been represented.

In the Q&A that followed, participants engaged in the lively discussion ranging from the intersection of the Kyoto School of Philosophy and Western philosophy, to the relationship with Buddhist thoughts.
At the end of this event, OYAMADA Aya URA shared grant related information for the benefit of participants.

The planning, public relations and a moderator were done by OYAMADA URA and SASAKI Yu URA in cooperation with other members of International Researchers Support Team (KUWATA Osamu URA, UEMURA Ayana Administrative Staff). KURA will continue to make efforts to create an environment for international researchers to maximize their research capabilities through supporting research.

Click here for events information.