京都大学学術研究支援室では、フランスの社会科学高等研究院(EHESS)教授でEHESS日仏財団(Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS)の理事長を務めるセバスチャン・ルシュヴァリエ氏をお迎えして、12月21日に研究者との交流会を開催します。
京都大学学術研究支援棟 地下会議室(吉田キャンパス内)
申し込みフォーム (締切:12/19(火))
14:30 講師紹介、参加者自己紹介
14:45 講演(英語)
15:30 「EHESSにおける研究滞在」
京都大学経済研究所 教授
15:45 質疑応答、ディスカッション
16:15 日仏研究者交流のフェローシップ紹介
16:30 閉会 (閉会後、カジュアルな交流会を予定)
学術研究支援室 鈴木、稲石、佐々木(bunkei@kura.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
Prospects of Japanese-French collaboration in SSH researches and the challenges of Fondation France-Japon (FFJ) de l’EHESS KURA invites Prof. Sébastien Lechevalier, Director of Fondation France-Japon (FFJ) EHESS, for a talk on ‘Prospects of Japanese-French collaboration in SSH researches and the challenges of Fondation France-Japon (FFJ) de l’EHESS’.
This would be an ideal opportunity for anyone interested in collaboration with EHESS in Humanities and Social Science researches and/or planning to visit France for research stay.
The seminar will be held in Japanese except for the lecture by Prof. Lechevalier that will be held in English. (KURA can provide translation if necessary.)
Date and time: Thursday, December 21, 2017 14: 30-16: 30
Target: Faculty members, staff, and graduate students of Kyoto University
Venue: Meeting Room B1, Research Administration Building (Yoshida Campus)
Registration: Please register by 19th December from https://goo.gl/9XuR42
14:30 Introduction of lecturers and participants
14:45 Lecture 1 Title: “Prospects of SSH Research Exchange between Japan and France, and the Challenge of Fondation France-Japon de l’ EHESS”
Lecturer: Prof. Sébastien Lechevalier (Professor of School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in France, President of Fondation France-Japon de l’ EHESS) https://www.ehess.fr/en/node/11298
15:30 Lecture 2 Title: “Research Stay in EHESS”
Lecturer: Prof. Akira Takeishi Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University (Former Visiting Fellow at EHESS)
15:45 Q & A session, discussion
16:15 Information on fellowship for research collaboration between Japan and France
16:30 End (After the seminar, there will be a casual get-together at the University Cafeteria)
Contact: Suzuki, Inaishi, Sasaki (bunkei@kura.kyoto-u.ac.jp)